Ittihad Tangier Club Football

where the team did not find yet the best format to walk to it , in light of the absence of professional managers . This team since 1992 to this day he plays to avoid disembarking from the first section or trying to climb back to the elite section , this ancient group , which was a symbol of the superiority of Moroccan football in the late eighties and early nineties .
The history of football in the city
:The city was the beginning of the last century, still under the trusteeship system of international and experienced local sports in general during this period gangbusters has been the establishment of a group of teams that carried the national character mention , for example, Dad and Tangier, club, rod Tangier, Atlas Marchand , Corona Tangier and renaissance Tangier ... Against clubs representing foreign communities living in the city Espanyol Tangier , Sevlaana the Tangier , Iberia , Union Tngerina - ... The recent this topic is available on professional teams tried in various ways to bring homelands players to strengthen their ranks and despite knead has found stiff competition by national teams , which was exercised in a spirit of resistance and defiance .

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